Days and Maize

Ram’s Horn foundry . . Sunken delights.

Inhalation, exhalation, human imagination.

Boundless beauty coupled with boundless coincidence. That modality! This resource of life.

Moving from and to all . . Like breath and like imagination.

Like a perfectly symmetrical configuration of 3 stars in the night sky . . The third just screaming to be connected to the first . . The first simultaneously automatic and beyond intrinsic . . Being connected to the 3rd.

The illusion of delay . . One of infinitely many in the progression of singularity.

The lies of culture and language.

Enter the 4th. The source in flux, of consciousness bare . . The square and loving care . . The unconscious choice to avoid the inherent strength and tendency of the Triangle.

A vacuous presence . . Plucking grapes from the vine . . In harmonium. In synchronistic flames.

The Prison of the mind. Spirits bound by barriers . . Tense and tension . . Stars and Bars . . Waves and graves . . Be still. And Change changes Change.

Loose change . . Stirring wings . . Floating messages . . Capturing flags . . Constantly penetrating conceptions of Mind and Space.