A New Year’s Day Poem (01/01/2015)

(What do you have for things forgotten? What do you have for life that happens?)

The frozen hordes come forth . . Clocking their miles . . Enthusiastic in the past.

The frozen hordes come forth . . Icicles and bicycles . . Hanging from their beards.

Like horses that were pounding hooves . . Now puffing warm breath . . Into the cold air.

In pictures with party hats . . Noise makers and high-balls . . Dropping.

Bottles broken . . Not in photographs, but in garbage cans with noodles.

Not forgotten but Remembered . . In a spontaneous fashion . . As if in a jolt!

The Now forever . . Waning quickly.

The Now forever . . Pouncing!

In life, in all directions . . Memory is captured . . And memory is Released!

A wise Old Tree once said, “Nothing” . . As full as the Sun.

In sepia toned photographs,

In retroactive perspective,

In digital migrations,

In lost waves rolling,

Like Empty Thunder through Time.

In bright and warm locations . . In frozen hordes . . They come forth . . As if in . . “Now”!