Dropped white robe . . Blade of the river. Moving foam.
Flagging fluid capes on a dragon’s (false) teeth . . Escape from umbrage beyond parasol umbilical symbol . . Giant mushrooms from the filled bath tub . . Water waits there for me.
Welcome springs for tight corners . . Sample abstract . . Definition glowing through an eternal haze . . Magic cats steal their own glances and gaze at the running river . . Man becomes undone at long since forgotten Can of Worms . . Sings hymns of Glossolalia, Forgiveness of Haste and Memory Washed Away . . The thought becomes rubbed out and the rods walk covered . . Festive mud pies stuffed with freakish lullabies blanket the faces with glee. Joy at living, zeal for blue woe and frosted allegories for hungry thoughts about the sun. Pagan gems. Christian fumes. Illiterate goons.