Fairy Stairs Stare

From conceivable mistakes . . Meadow running . . Flowers un-twisting . . Interesting understanding happening . .
Break page yellow pillow garbage cliff . . Aim at open unconscious relief . . Angel swing scythe at rolling heads of butter . . Visiting pigtail food . . Castle in the eye . .
I’m rounding out of digits and feeding bones to the Rain and Sun . . Whoever gets their thirst quenched first . . Twisted wrist jiggle for belief . . One hot potato teeth.
Butter! Crumbs! People swimming the English Channel!
There is no mist for ground bred freedom. It is all the same!
Everything is different while nothing is different . . IT IS ALL ALSO THE SAME!
Hyper type kneeling game . . I’ve tampered with the range. On a mountain rolling farther . . Patterns drift from fungus tongues.
Dropped a stop through leaf swing . . Programmes of thought, tossed like laundry from the moon. Diced radio crept hollow home. Skipping rotations from Autumn’s brittle throne.