Chasm Spasm

Mimicry, symmetry and lies . . Repetition, foundations and pain . .
Fish bowls, wishing wells and dives . .
Driving forward, counting in reverse, using quotations, throwing stones . .
Making lists, keeping track of time . .
Over estimation under the weather . . Floating in on waves . . A coating. Slicing remedy spiral down the side . . Alternating ceaselessly . . Drowning a drum’s bride . .
Borrowing paper from yesterday’s Sun . . Viking walking dumps oil . . Sand hammer hands wave for shark’s tooth found smile.
Open pattern leaking eyes on funerary rail lines . . Material drawn into protective zone . .
Reverse inversion of harmonic cuddle . . Fish stains on brick mirrors tapping . . Shaking hand on flying baby sworn . . Preface slide pendulum tremor glide . . Portals of magnification sip softly on another side winding.